Useful Tips for Proper Bathroom Fan Location | Article

I have always thought that installing a bathroom fan is not such a difficult task as many of us may think. Still after the purchase of a new fan from Westside Wholesale was completed we had to wrestle with a subject of its proper installation. I just wanted to share some of my supervisions concerning this matter.

There are three main things that should be thoroughly thought over before you cut the nest for your bathroom exhaust fan.

1. The location of the purchased fan has to be performed in the zone which is put to the largest volume of moisture accumulation. Usually this area is located over the shower or bathtub. Sometimes it is considered to be between them.

2. The location should be chosen according to the piping and flexible hoses disposition. They should be located as close to the roof ventilation system as possible. Another variant of venting outlet can be performed through the gable from one of your home ends. Never vent a bathroom fan through the wall side. It may end up with the excessive moisture being drawn back into the eaves of the home.

3. The location should be far from the obstructions and problematic roof areas. These are chimneys, skylights, valleys, and heating vents.

The next step will be a hole cutting, but do not be in a hurry. First take a small drill and make a pilot hole. Then look whether the location on the ceiling is clear and free from ducting, joists and electrical wires. This is made in order to save your roof. Of course you will measure the distances first, but still mistakes can occur. A small pilot hole can be easily hidden while a big vent-sized opening is not so easy to replace.

At last it is time for bathroom fan location. You will be required to cut necessary holes, mount your fan, install flexible ducting or piping and provide the demanded connections to the bathroom fan and roof vent. All the connections have to be covered with silicone caulk in order to ensure proper sealing. This measure is intended to protect your attic from moisture leakage.

One more addition. Do not forget to purchase a fan with correct sizing suiting your overall bathroom area.

After browsing the Westside Wholesale pages in search of a proper Panasonic bathroom fan model we stopped our choice on Panasonic Bathroom Fan, FV-20VQ3, 190 CFM WhisperCeiling Ventilation - for 6" Duct. This is a middle sized model of moderate price that features a low noise level, thermal fuse protection, modern grille design, built-in damper for backdraft prevention, and rust proof paint treatment on galvanized housing. Of course it does not have heater and light, but it suites our bathroom perfectly. I am also satisfied with the warranty conditions and level of customer’s service. The process of installation has also appeared to be quite easy and understandable.

It would be nice to read here any feedbacks on my information and successful stories of bathroom vent fans installations. I truly hope my experience can be of some help to other users.
